
Laparoscopic Diagnosis

About the Treatment

Laparoscopic diagnosis is a type of surgical procedure to examine the inside of the abdomen. Laparoscopic Procedure: A laparoscope is used to look in the abdomen with a long thin tube with a high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera in front. Small incisions are done to insert the device into the abdomen, and then the device sends images to a video monitor as it moves.

Benefits of Laparoscopy Laparoscopy allows a doctor to see inside the abdomen without any open surgery in real-time, and biopsy or tissue sample from a particular organ of the abdomen can also be obtained by this method. Laparoscopy enables a fertility specialist to look at your ovaries, fallopian tubes, the outer part of the uterus, and all other abdomen parts. It also enables the doctors to perform surgeries while having a look inside the abdomen.

Why is laparoscopy done? It is used to find the problems inside the body when no other test gives accurate information. It is done by doctors to find the cause of infertility and several symptoms of abdominal pain and pelvic pain. It is done to find out if there are any scar tissues or any type of blockage in the female’s fallopian tubes. This method treats several problems related to female infertility like endometriosis, fibroids, and cysts. It can also be used to detect the effectiveness of some treatments. Laparoscopy contributes to infertility treatment in a significant way.